This is the end of the year and the end of my time as a student is drawing near. It will be another 29 days until I will be officially finished as a student Nurse (in case any of you were ever bothered I was/am a student at the University of Teesside, Middlesbrough). So, given that not only is this the end of the time as a student, I am also at the end of the year 2007. So, what was 2007 for me?
Nothing remarkable for the first half of the year as the first week was spent on annual leave. The second week was the return to the final placement of second year (Critical care placement) in the ICU. The week was spent with patients on my three shifts (though I cannot recall much now what happened). The week after was my final tripartite for second year. This I passed, I remember being very nervous about the second year one, and was sent out to a cardiac arrest in the hospital with the arrest team and thought that was less nerve racking. The 2 weeks after was on my elective with the North East Ambulance Service NHS trust. That was enjoyable.
The first 2 weeks were study time and I prepared my portfolio. They went in on the 19th and I started 3rd year. This was a time when the attitude changed with the university toward the student groups (from “oh, don’t worry you are only a student” to “Right, your managing bays and other students when you go out next”). It sowed and I remember I ended up being late two days thanks to traffic (some did not even make it in to university). I met my girlfriend this month.
The portfolio passed this month. Not a lot to report for March.
The semester continued with the addition of the independent learning module coming online. There was no a lot to recall, I did have a weekend in York with my other half, and records suggest I had the blog by now.
I was asked to hand in an essay and this was worked on while I queried the MITS which had been applied for. This was met with a stern look and a mark of 30. That was not good. Some of the modules drew to a close as the final seminars were had.
I was kicked off the course due to the 30 mark for the essay from second year. Thankfully, I still had some old paperwork and approached the student union with a view to appealing against the decision. It was agreed that I had a case and the assessment review was put in. I immediately started looking for work and was accepted for employment in a call centre. I also joined St John Ambulance.
Back on the course on the 3rd. I got the letter which while written on the 3rd only reached me on the day I was being asked to go into the university to meet with the pathway leader and 3rd year module leader. This went OK and I agreed the date’s to submit essays (3rd August). The essays were worked on, till one module asked for submission on the 3rd which was not originally intended. This took some sorting out.
A new placement was on the infections disease and diabetes ward. This is well document on the blog.
The placement was worked through and the essays all passed. One later needed re-submission though this was the one which I was asked to write in less then a week.
The internship placement began in a old division. I did get a bit downhearted by this at first by slowly it did get better
The tripartite and nights dominated this month
The application for jobs started in earnest this month as did attending st john ambulance duties having passed the members first aid course.