Wednesday, 13 February 2008


Today I had the first feedback from an interview. I was interviewed yesterday for a staff nurse in a community hospital in a PCT. The interview went well. I was phoned by the clinical leader today. They said that I had interviewed excellent. I was the joint choice for the post. However, the post has gone to somebody with more post registration experience then me. I know that there is a possibility they were just saying that. However, I have been told that not all is lost. You see, there has been a nurse put their resignation in on the ward. I was told that there will be interviews held again. As less then 3 months have passed the post is not going to be advertised. I may have a chance at this second interview though this is hard to say. I have applied for some more jobs which have become available today.

I am still awaiting the news of the interview which I had last Thursday at another acute hospital. I am not sure how that will work out. The original post advertised was for the MAU. However, there were posts going on the respiratory ward, Haematology ward, Endocrinology and gastric ward. I find it odd how I have interviews for everywhere but for the hospital I trained. Oh well.

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