Wednesday, 5 September 2007

My curious case of the capsised commode

There have been two shifts. I have forgotten most of what I did Monday so that goes some what to explain how unremarkable that was. The only thing wa builing up a rapport with a normally sharp patient which was quite nice.

Yesterday was in. Had a few discharges to do (which meant waiting all day for the pharmacy scripts to be sent and arrive on the ward). Had an interesting case in the next bay which I was roped into helping with which was of necrotising fascitis. Then had my first fall in a long long while in another bay to assist with.

Now, I know at this point some of you have started boiling over with rage thinking that this is just another case of the nurses being shit and neglecting their patients. Which is natural until I tell you that that patient had fall off the commode they were on- by overturning it sideways and precipitating themselves and the contents onto the floor. The brakes were all on, the commode was intact, so lord knows what they had done. I was among the first into the bay and supported the patients head and neck in the neutral position (that St John training paid off). That is the curious thing as I always considered commodes to be as hard as a london double decker bus to overturn.

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