Monday, 10 September 2007

My window of opportunity

It was back to the wards today with the start of the new weeks having had a rather good weekend with my girlfriend. I am now spent up just a little. The staff nurse I was with was not my usual one but was however one of the longest serving nurses of the ward. The day was not bad, did a few IV antibiotics, had a playful IVAC device which was causing problems which was compounded by the patient being confused and waving their arms over the line causing it to occlude. The patients were OK really with few complaints needing referring to the medical team. Only two really to write home about happened just after lunchtime when one patient who is on morphine was feeling sick and a confused patient was describing central chest pain which was "Crushing" in nature. The former was soon sorted out by asking for an anti-emetic to be prescribed and the latter although having text book symptoms of Angina Pectoris was put down to being condition related after two ECG's were unremarkable. PRN Morphine and Glycerol Tri-Nitrate (GTN) should be enough to sort out any future events but with confusion it make the job just that more difficult to get right. However, I was in the bay monitoring so was quite pleased to take the opportunity to flex my nursing diagnosis muscles a bit (which is nice as I do think I have been stunted in doing this on the ward as nothing extra ordinary seems to have happened with the patients).

There were few buzzers in other bays either today which is a rare occurrences normally the afternoon brings a steady stream of them. There was only one in another bay which I attended to which was over the top window being open. The windows need a special hook to close and despite my efforts up a step ladder (with me having visions of crashing through a second floor window down onto the pavement below which was very vivid when you are up a ladder) I ended up closing the curtains to stop the draft.

Managed to get off early as well tonight as I had to travel in a taxi over to near where I live with some antibiotics for a patient. Which was nice.

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