Sunday, 8 July 2007

Back in (in more ways then one)

Ah, yes.

We went a bit quiet back there for a bit, did'nt we

The last post was about the "30" mark. Yes, well I was withdrawn on the grounds, though I launched an assessment review and thay concluded that due to my personal circumstances at the time that I would be reterospectivly awarded mitigating circumstances for the module and re admitted.

So, that was a total of 27 days on the dole (well, from the 6th June).

So, what have I learned?
1) Appreciete what I am doing even more (though I love my job even more then ever now)
2) Always have a bit of self beliefe
3) A bit of fear is sometimes a good thing
4) You never write as passonatly as when your entire life rests on it
5) Im nearly £12500 overdrawn (Opps)
6) Boredom results in you making a website (
7) That the most progress you can make with administration is in face to face meetings which are far more effective then the computerised/non contact system.
8) Deciding to join the St John Ambulance brigade was a good idea.

So, there we go. 3rd August for 2 essays to go in, and to start on the 6th August on a new placement in infectious diseases.

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