A symbolic moment has just occured. That moment namely is the last time that I have prepared my uniform for duty tomorrow. I have done this for the past 3 years. Mainly because I quickly realised that being blearly eyed at 6am, 4:45am, 5:30am and 5:25am (times respectfully used throughout placement times, bar the community part of 2nd year when I was able to sleep to the late time of 7:30am. Ah, those heady days of 2006 eh?) resulted in me usually forgetting something important. Yup, tomorrow is my last placement shift.
I have had three years which have been... varied I guess. I have had some interesting times. Some good (like my first sucessfull CPR, Passing my Tripartites, the patients who I was able to help, the great Nurses and other people who I had the honour of working with. Most of all has been meeting the one person who, while I today fret over, has helped sometimes keep me on the straight with the course. My dear Girlfriend. There have been the bad. But do you know what? Mostly it was when my niece died last year and when that caused my to referr on a module. I have had bad shifts. I have had arguments with staff. I have had the abusive patients, and on more then once had to deal with a patient trying to very much kick and punch their way out of the ward. Oh well.
Tonight, all however is calm. I know that my girlfriend has her family with her and will be going home tomorrow (hopefully). I have some applications which I hope will be fruitfull, and there are interviews now comming through. A bursary came today. My RCN subscription has been renewed. My NMC PIN number will be here hopefully within the next 5 weeks. Now, for the final time, I will have to think of a succinct title to cover the next shift post. "My roads end" and "My Final destination" are both vying for position. There were other titles that would have been used for mid-course shifts. "My Bad day" for example never was needed for a title should a monumentally bad shift have occured. I have been trying to think of a single tune to embed as a video like for the post. The second place went to "Fall Out Boy" with the track "Thnks fr th mmrs". For what I settled on, call back tomorrow.
So, "what are you doing tonight then Nursing Student?" I hear you ask. Well, going out for a belated Christmas meal with my St John Ambulance division for a start.
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