I used to like the Dr Rant blog. Worryingly though, recently there has been a certain amount of Nurse bashing coming from here. Now, if this were Dr Crippin's blog, I would pass this over as he hates everyone and everything which is not a GP. However, I have been very bemused by the recent hate campaign started over there.
If you would to be a member of the public and were to get all your information from there, you would have it believed that today, Nurse's are only wannabe Doctor's who have abandoned Nursing. There would be some truth in that if it was not for one very large point: That's bollocks.
Yes, there are SOME nurse's who work in "extended roles". Argue the toss over at the Dr "Anti-Nurse" Rant blog, or in Dr "I-want-to-exterminate-every-fucker-but-a-GP" Crippin because all the crazed missives lack one point. The Dr's who have posted them clearly have never spoken to a real nurse. There are SOME nurse's (approximately 3% of the Nurse population) who work in extended roles. The true (and speaking as a student nurse in clinical practice) picture of ward nursing is the vast majority of nurse's are top end Band 5, Low band 6 level STAFF NURSE. Not "quacks", not somebody randomly prescribing, but your common-or-garden NURSE. Nothing fancy titled, you standard NURSE. Anyone who thinks that being a Nurse is somehow not glamorous enough misses the point that as a nurse you are the one professional to have constant hand's on care of the patient and the person in the hospital who the patients can identify with. I like that side of things. I like being able to talk to my 8 patients and keep them happy, give them a stay as comfortable as possible while giving medications, changing dressings, explain what will be happening to them on the ward, and yes, changing sheet's, commode wheeling, bed bathing and taking of baseline observations. I am not alone in that. I am by no mean's the only student nurse (or qualified Nurse) who does such a thing.
SO to portray Nurse's as being second rate doctor's to me paint's a picture which to improportional to the real world, and every time fails to acknowledge to fact that the few Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Specialists, and so on have undergone much rigorous training, and in some cases role's which still sometimes do not stray within a mile of a "doctor's" role (such as Tissue Viability, Countenance advisor, from my experience the Spinal Cord Injury Liaison Nurse's who were specialist's were there to provide a link to the hospital as an almost district nurse approach to see former patients and talk to them to see if they needed any more nursing interventions). The latest craze of Nurse DNAR is one thing that really annoy's me, as this was something placed onto nursing, not something that was wanted (and beside's in real term's I cannot see this being decided by a nurse very often save for in palliatve care in the community where there are few doctor's to hand. I have known situation's which have occured where there has not been a DNAR placed on a patient dying from cancer who would otherwise have a DNAR beforehand, but that's a rare thing).
I totally agree with you Nursing Student. These Doctors are nothing but a bunch of paranoid freaks. I used to have respect for doctors and look up to them because of the high level of education and knowledge that they have. Now I think they are nothing but paranoid delusional basket cases.
Not to long ago I was posting over at Dr. Rant's and saying that my particular nursing school was hard to get into and they start freaking out saying that I am trying to imply that nursing school is harder than medical school.
Even my nursing school wasn't any where near as hard as medical school.
You are so right about the number of extended role nurses being a microscopic number. The vast vast vast vast vast vast majority of nurses are bedside nurses who don't want to move onto practioner.
They need to see their own doctors and ask for a mental health referal and get on some bloody psyche meds.
Paranoid freaks. We should play a joke on them and tell them that aliens are going to invade, take over the world and make all nurses into doctors while using doctors as slave labour in the mines.
A. They will probably believe it.
B. They will all be running around in the streets tearing their hair out.
It would be good for a laugh.
The vast majority of us do not look up to doctors, we don't want your jobs nor the associated personality disorder that goes along with being a physician.
Just thought that I would add that I still think Dr. Rant rules and I don't think they were trying to nurse bash.
I just think it is so funny that they think we want their jobs.
I used to respect Doctors (Still do). Infact, I respected them so much, I would make sure that if I ever needed to page a doctor for anything, that the patient's note's were laid out, a fresh set of obs done, an ECG laid ready out to read, and if there were any INR result's to be pulled would do them specially for the SHO to save them time, and throw the offer of a coffee into the bargin.
I can understand that the Doctor's would want to protect their profession (and the patients) though in the latter it would imply they think Nurse's are wanting to harm patients (a phallicy of association). If they are bothered about a threat, I would not mind them saying it in plain English, it's just that it end's up almost sounding like a long diatribe of "Why we hate Nurse's" rather then focusing on the point they want to make, and forget's any implication of professional respect. I for example could have gone off on a long rant calling GP's a bunch of lazy bugger's who are damn near impossible to make an appointment with and get paid £200 000 per year for simply giving penicillin to everyone. But I did not, because that's a lot of rubbish.
May I point out that although some doctors may rant about how dreadful we are, we're the ones who have to read their handwriting! And I think we do a bloody good job of it too!
Perhaps they should spend more time filling in prescription charts correctly, answering their bleeps in good time, and writing legibly than throwing all their toys out of the pram... ;)
Sorry, missed this post the first time round. (Not sure how as we have you're blog on our RSS reader, but shit happens...)
Only came here because Trollonymous posted it as a divisive link (we've started removing Trollonymous's posts as we now think he is a professional troll).
Anyway, I'm sorry if you feel that Dr Rant has been anti-nurse. Poor old Frank - he is a grumpy bastard!
At least two of the doctors in the team that write Rant are married to nurses, so we should have some sensitivity, and Frank himself does make reference to Mrs Rant from time to time.
It is a team blog, and of course topical stories/experiences can make the slant swing wildly (it is a swear blog after all), but apologies for any offense.
Happy Nurses' Day!
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