Thursday 9 August 2007

My pharmacy

Today ends my second shift on the ward, and this has been a mixed bag. A good shift was had today, and a definite "feel" for the ward is starting to emerge. The day has been quick to pass (though my feet have registered a mild protest). The morning was a doddle, as I escorted a patient on oxygen to have an X-Ray. The radiographer was a tad annoyed at the patient arriving as apparently there had been no card sent down to the department though was more then happy to do the x-ray (though they had a major incident last night at the hospital to deal with so it's understandable). With the x-ray done, me and the patient had a fair wait for the porter to arrive to get us back to the ward.

On the Ward itself, I was giving out the medications, doing fluid balance charts and was once more getting to grips with the infusions. Went well bar one which occluded. I think i am going to put that i my learning contract for the placement. Had a run over to the orthopaedic ward for a vacume dressing canister, met one of the ambulance care assistants who I knew. I must have walked fast as the staff greeted me with "You were quick" despite me talking for 5 minutes! Had a run out later on down to the main pharmacy for a collection of tablets for a new arrival and a discharge, so that was a nice change (I like volunteering for the off-ward jobs as it gives me a break from the same four walls).
The day was good, one good thing was there there were two patients who were a bit more dependant on us nurses and it was refreshing to be able to carry out basic nursing care on the patients who are on a ward. I realised I have not had patients like that since August 2005 when I was on a community hospital.

The annoying thing was that there is a patient who keeps pressing the emergency cord and not the buzzer in error when they use their bathroom, which means we all kept dashing out from the bays expecting it to be a genuine alarm only to end up being told it was a false alarm.

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