Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Confused: A short play by Nursing student

The following is a mystery play for the reader to solve...
Within this short play there is a student Nurse (the protagonist), a module leader, another student nurse and a tutor. The story takes place as a series of emails which are sent, and the reader must decide what the outcome is.
Email one: A week ago: From Module leader
Dear Nursing Student,
I have received an email from the pathway leader regarding your submission of the module essay on the 3rd August.
Module leader

Email two: A day or so later: From Nursing Student
Sent: Mon 7/30/2007 14:10
Hi Module leader,

Thanks for your recent email. I am a little confused as to the submission date, as I was told that it was the 5th September originally. I am to be submitting an essay on Friday that was originally to be submitted on the 26th June. I have written most of the essay and can submit, though just want to clarify with you as the leader when to submit.

Kind regards,
Nursing Student

Email Three: From Module Leader
The hand in date is 3rd August and I understand that Pathway Leader and Another module leader informed you of this.

Email four: From Nursing Student

Yes, I think I may have been getting confused with your module and that of another module.

At this point, enter Nursing student #2
Email 5: From Nursing student
Hi Nursing student #2
Hope you are well.
Just a quick question, what is the submission date for the module, i got an email saying it was the 3rd august

Nursing Student


Enter Module Tutor
Email Seven: From Nursing Student
Sent: Thu 7/26/2007 11:27 AM
Subject: Essay

Hi tutor,

Just a quick email regarding the 4000 word essay and the 1000 word reflection. I had some time away from the university in June and have been trying to get the essays which are due sorted out.

I have been working on the essay, and have 2500 words so far on this. I got an email from module leader saying the essay was due on the 3rd August, though I have the date as being the 5th September. Can you email me back with the date of submission, and any way I can have a tutorial please).
Kind regards,
Nursing Student

Email Eight From Tutor
RE: Essay

dear Nursing Studnent, am on leave; in tomorro at uni thurs 2nd august, then off til later when im back in for 4 on *********** txt me tomorra when im in work.............Tutor

Question: What conclusions do you draw from that?
Answer: Sadly, at the moment I don't know which is bugging the hell out of me as this is happening in real life at the moment and is not a work of fiction.

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